May kwentong Hebi ka ba?
Hebi is a really cheap junk food na sumikat ever since kabataan ko pa. It's made of prawns and then, it sells for only .50 cents. 'Til now, it's still selling in the market and I'm sure kids now also love it. On my recent grocery visit, I got myself a whole bag of Hebi and apparently, my Dennis shared the same craving for it.
Now, to proceed to my kwentong Hebi. This is another childhood story of mine. When I was still a grader and we were still living in Kapalong, I was really close to this girl neighbor of mine who is 3 years older than me. I call her Niknik. Their house is just beside ours so every day, I'd go to their house and play with her and her siblings.
In front of their house is this mango tree which we really loved climbing. We would make it our "tambayan", both of us. And our most favorite thing to do while relaxing in the branches of the mango tree is to buy lots of Hebi, open all of it and pour all its content to a big cellophane and ate it like there's no tomorrow or like there'll be no more Hebi tomorrow. I miss Niknik and I sure miss that old mango tree.