Saturday, June 28, 2008

Forgiving = Forgetting???

Most people say time heals all wounds but I disagree, because wounds, especially deep ones, leave scars. A scar that will always be a reminder of the wound...of the pain. With this, I believe it is incorrect to say that when you forgive, you forget as well, because the latter is a very difficult thing to do. It is easy to forgive but never the same when forgetting. Apology may be easily accepted but mending the damages could possibly take forever. And so, we have to be very careful in causing pain or in hurting someone, most especially the ones we love most, because they may be able to forgive us in a heartbeat but could never forget the act even for a lifetime.

1 Comment:

  1. Fojie said...
    a wound will never heal specially when you let the person that cause it to hurt you again. it's natural for people to hurt you bcoz human are not perfect, but hurting you a lot of times is too much. it will degrade your moral, and will eventually ruin your good personality. you have to find better ways to avoid it.. to avoid the pain. one easy way is to avoid the cause if proper conversation/confrontation doesn't work.

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